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how do I verify my identity?

it's like a walk in the park


Identity verification via Czech POINT can be arranged at any of the more than 6000 branches in the Czech Republic, where you will be issued with a so-called document of identification of a natural person after submitting the following data and verifying your ID. List of branches can be found here.

In order to obtain a charter, the following information about the company must be provided to Czech POINT staff.
Company name: BONVER WIN, a.s. Headquarters: Jungmannova 32/25, Nové Město (Prague 1), 110 00 Prague Purpose of verification: to set up a user account with a gambling provider. Identification number (IČO): 25899651 Applicant: name, surname, address, ID number

You can also download the data in the format PDF here. Specimen of the identification document,

which you will receive at the Czech POINT branch after completing the identification, you will find here.


After presenting your ID (it is better to bring a second ID to be sure) and verifying it, you will be issued an identification document.


You can then send us the verified identification document to the email address from the email address you used to register at Upon receipt of the document, we will immediately verify your identity.

This website is operated by BONVER WIN, a.s., ID No. 258 99 651, with registered office at Jungmannova 32/25, Nové Město, 110 00 Prague 1, registered under registration No. B 28001 with the Municipal Court in Prague, under a licence granted by the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic. Participation in gambling may be harmful. Prohibition of participation of persons under 18 years of age in the gambling game. The Ministry of Finance warns: Participation in gambling may lead to addiction!

Gambling can be harmful. Prohibition of participation in gambling by persons under 18 years of age.

Ministry of Finance warns: gambling can be addictive!

Currency CZK

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